M.B.B.S., M.S. (Gen Surg.) B.Sc
Ex. Minister Of Home and Industry
(Govt. of Maharashtra)
Indira Bahuuddeshiya Shikshan Sanstha, Buldana
To become a world class, globally competitive, flexible and learning higher education institutions responsive to the individual, institutional and social developmental needs of the people of Maharashtra and India.
With us you will discover a new learning experience in a dynamic & supporting environment. It is our firm belief that value based learning is of great relevilence in dynamic & everchanging environment. Today you are faced with an important choice and we know that you are anxious to get it right. Academic factors are important but they are not the only ones. Among the other things higher education is an opportunity to broaden your mind and extend you horizon. So come and experience the difference and become a part of our family.
“Creativity is thinking up new things, innovation is doing new things” This line will explain the nature and ability of IBSSB’s college of pharmacy. We equipped our students to become global citizen with modern and scientific temperament. We aim at holistic education and prepare each student to meet all challenges head on in life and contact themselves in an exemplary manner. ‘Thinking beyond ’is our thought and we make our students follow the same .By this, they will not only develop themselves but serve the nation equally.
© 2025 DRGION Amravati